Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Online B Reflections

● Why is technology important? Technology is important for a multitude of reasons. It makes our lives simpler, first, instead of having to talk to someone in person, you could call them on the telephone, and then the cellphone, which worked everywhere as opposed to just in the home. It can entertain us more efficiently than many other things, you can read from online what you could from a book, and then others’ thoughts on it, you can watch on TV or DVD what you could have had to see in a play. It allows for more creativity, while writing a manuscript you could completely eliminate the need for paper or pencil, not needing either to create. As graphics engines and processing cards advance, more and more detailed and complex environments are able to be made. Technology today is essential, not only because of our races, admitted, addiction to it, but because it’s a way to communicate, observe, and to create. ● How has technology changed over the last 5 years? Technology over the last five years has improved dramatically. Many things are wireless, lessening clutter, higher-end things, though being surpassed, are also able to be made smaller and, in some cases, cheaper. The biggest place to view the basics of the improvement is in the gaming, both in scale, and in graphics. In 2006 Bethesda Softworks released The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, in 2011, five years later, they released The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Oblivion, while high quality, had less than perfect character models for the two animal-esque races, Skyrim managed to surpass Oblivion in every aspect, starting from the ground up with a new graphics engine and interface. ● How do you think it will change in the next 5 years? I can only see them improving more and more. Some people say that, when it comes to some things, technologically, we’ve plateaued. I don’t think that, we may have hit a rough patch, and will improve more slowly for some time, but we just need to get one good revelation, and from that another, and then from that two more. We haven’t plateaued, we’ve simply stopped to rest for the remainder of the trek. ● What type of technology do you use for school work? I use several things for school work, dependent on what it is. In math, the most I use is a calculator, electrical-technology-wise. In English or Social Studies I may use a computer, sometimes for research, sometimes to write. ● What type of technology do you use for personal use? I use a few types of technology for my own personal reasons. I’m a gamer, so I have a home-console and handheld that I use for that. I use my computer to read up on news, watch videos, write, and play games (though not higher-end ones on account of a integrated graphics card). I watch TV on occasions, and I also use phones to communicate with others. ● How do you think you will use some of these tools from Online B in the future? I actually actively use Google Docs, if only to write while not in access of my documents from home. I’ve been using Screencast-O-Matic for a little while now to make a series Let’s Plays, though I may stop using that when possible. ● Which of these tools do you think is the most practical for lifelong learning? Google Docs is helpful for working on charts, graphs, presentations, or documents on the go. Wikis are helpful for finding information, even if it might not all be entirely accurate. Aside from those the others aren’t very practical, for the user, for learning, more so for people that view or use the production of the product. ● Which of these tools do you think that you will never use again? Quizlett, while interesting it doesn’t have much to go for it. I intend to use Wikis, but I will probably not make one. I will never podcast or make digital stories, so Audible and Photo Story are shot too. ● Which of these tools was your favorite to create? Probably using the screen-casting software. I’ve know for a while what screen-casting is, but I never knew that there were free screen-casting softwares, though I admitadly didn’t look to far into it, for I figured I’d end up finding scams and viruses, things that aren’t fun for your computer. ● Which was your least favorite? The Digital Storytelling assignment. I don’t like talking about myself because I feel I’ll either over-sell myself and seem like a pretentious jerk, or I’ll under-sell myself and seem like someone with no self-respect.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Online B Terms

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Other Screencast Software

I found another screencast software that was free called JING, wich must be downloaded, only records for up to five minutes, and I couldn't find an embed code to.
The link to the site that the other screencast is on is here:
I prefer Screencast-o-Matic for various reasons, but mostly the longer recording times, better user interface, and the easier to locate embed codes.


A screencast is a recording of one's computer screen that can be viewed at a later time.

Screencast Number One

Sample Text

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Technology Article: Human Connectome Project

The Human Connectome Project is a government funded project that is meant to deepen our understanding of the human brain. By tracking water molecules as they travel through neural passages in the brain it maps out the passages, giving an accurate mapping of the brain's structure.